Ditch the Plastic Alternative Water Bottle Options By: Corry Matthews, Healthy Lifestyle Expert


Ditch the Plastic Alternative Water Bottle Options

By: Corry Matthews, Healthy Lifestyle Expert

Ditch the plastic!  Yep…the plastic water bottle, while convenient is doing more harm than good not only for our environment but also for you.  Yes, we’re talking about the cheap, one time use disposable ones and the ones you buy, wash and re-use.

When it comes to the environment, millions of plastic water bottles are thrown away every single day.  If not recycled, these bottles sit in a landfill for thousands of years or end up in our beautiful California oceans.  These bottles are made from fossil fuels that aren’t biodegradable.


For a party, or special use, sure plastic makes sense, but on a daily basis at home, a re-useable option is best and more economical.  The key is choosing a re-useable option that isn’t made from another, different source of plastic, or harmful ingredients.

Why plastic bottles are bad for our health:

·         Many studies show the plastic used to make re-useable bottles degrades over time, leaching chemicals into our drinking water, creating havoc on our hormones and becoming endocrine disruptors.

·         The single use bottles easily break down in heat.  How often have you left your water bottle in your car, or stored them in your garage for your next party? Almost all of them say for single use only, but many of us still fill them up and reuse.

GREAT Alternatives

There are two alternatives to using plastic water bottles – glass and stainless steel.

Glass Water Bottles Benefits:

·         Cost effective

·         Sustainable

·         Can use filtered tap water

·         Dishwasher safe

·         No metal taste

·         Won’t hold onto flavors like plastic

·         Not all plastic can be recycled, but all glass can

·         Not as strong as stainless, but you can get glass with silicone covers for more “drop” protection

Stainless Steel Benefits:

·         Made from natural elements

·         Cost effective

·         Sustainable

·         Can use filtered tap water

·         Dishwasher safe

·         Keeps water cold or hot (great insulating properties)

·         Practically indestructible

·         Won’t rust

Both of these options come in multiple colors, sizes and shapes suitable for everyone in your family.  In our family we are split down the middle between preferring glass and stainless!

For the party-goers - try a glass pitcher / container and plastic cups (BPA free please).  This way the water you are serving your guests hasn’t been sitting in plastic.

Corry Matthews, M.S. Sports Medicine

Healthy Lifestyle Expert. 

Inspiring individuals to reach their dreams and goals by living healthier.

Email: info@strengthandgracefitness.com

Website: www.strengthandgracefitness.com