Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ October 2020 Horoscopes by Maria Francesca Triliegi


Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ October 2020 Horoscopes

by Maria Francesca Triliegi

Sacred Solar Astrology October 2020 Forecasts 

Welcome to October 2020

Please enjoy this astrological snapshot forecast revealing important trends and opportunities that are available in October of 2020 to support you.  I welcome your feedback, comments and/or questions.

October has arrived and the sun has traveled to the sign of Libra.  Libra is the balancer, the peacemaker and most importantly Libra governs all of our important relationships.  These are the spiritual qualities that define Libra.  The energy of this month will ask that we do our best to create balance in our somewhat unbalanced lives.  How to celebrate the harvest when so much of the world is in a state of unrest.  As an astrologist who monitors the movement of the planets; I spend much of my time searching for goodness in the vital signs that appear with the transiting of the different planets in their specific positions. 

I realize the year of 2020 has been unprecedented and if you are reading this, you have survived the many different versions and visions welcomed and unwelcomed.  We are resilient as a people and as I shared last month, there is goodness to be seen and experienced.  And yes, we have to look deeper into our own personal landscape to find the small, at times, overlooked aspects of goodness in our lives.  Balance is key for the month of October.  Balancing what is occurring around us with what we are doing to personally live in the peace and harmony that the Libra energy brings. 

Astrologically October is a very critical and important month so do your best to pay close attention to your emotional responses.  There will be a Full Moon in Aries on October 1st.  A New Moon in Libra on October 16th.  Mercury will go retrograde (always fun) in Scorpio on October 13th until November 3rd .  This will give us time to concentrate on making the right choice for who will care for our beautiful country. Mercury retrograde is a time of slowing down and paying close attention to where you put your signature.  And finally the month ends with a rare second Full Moon on October 31st, just in time for Halloween. 

Remember that New Moons are for affirming what you want to bring into your life.  Full Moons are for letting go of what no longer serves your highest good.

If you know your astrological sacred birth chart; read sun and moon and rising sign messages.  All will have impact.  I am here to support the most peaceful and powerful vision for your life.

I am available for Astrology Readings for adults and children, Astrology Future Trends Forecasts, Divine Tarot Counseling and Coaching.

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Call or email Maria Francesca at 310-548-1338 or


Maria Francesca Triliegi, Astrologist

Compassionate Communication

available on Zoom or Facetime


March 20-April 20

Aries Transits for October 2020

The month of October starts out with a big fat Full Moon in y our sign.With the Sun now in the sign of Libra (described above) your 7th house governing up close and personal relationships will be highlighted.  This is where you get to enjoy the company of others, especially those people who mean the most to you.  Honoring them with your love, your presence and your fun personality is just what is needed now.  There will still be quite a bit of feistiness around you with Mars continuing to be up close and personal in your sign.  Mars is the warrior planet so keep those fires burning where they will provide the most goodness.   With Uranus in Taurus in the area that governs your value, there should be changes in the way you do your work and how you are valued by others.  Hopefully you are realizing your value overall.  And finally with  Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto a powerhouse of father energy in the sign of Capricorn please make sure you are keeping all those ducks in a row. 


April 20- May 21

Taurus Transits for October 2020

Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty.  On October 2nd , Venus will travel to another lovely earth sign.  Kindred spirit to you….Virgo!  The Sun has settled nicely in your 6th house.  This is where important aspects of who we are reside.  Physical health, wellness, day to day schedule and who we spend our day with.  Libra looks for balance and harmony.  Taurus is the dogged worker of the zodiac.  How to bring these two together is going to be your goal for most of October.  Lighten up and enjoy whatever you are doing.  Responsibility is a big word for you right now with several important planets still in the sign of Capricorn.  It’s okay for you to schedule some down time.  Happy time with the folks you spend your day with.  You are going to need to slow down anyway with Mercury going retrograde on the 13th in your opposite sign of Scorpio. 


May 20- June 21,

Gemini Transits for October 2020

Happy days are here for you for most of October.  The sign of Libra is a kindred spirit to you.  Both air signs.  With Libra residing in your 5th house; children (creative and otherwise) as well as grandchildren are going to want your attention.  Spending time away from work and bringing joy however possible will be highlighted.  It feels like your life is pretty busy with work whether you are employee, employer or even retired.  Gemini needs to be of value to the world.  Volunteering, especially at this time with so much crying out for our attention on our planet, does support you and fills your soul.  Make sure this month you find ways to do that with your sweet loved ones.  Enjoying your love relationship if you are involved with someone special.  If you are single; this month could bring someone special right along!

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June 21-July 22

Cancer Transits for October 2020

October will shine a light on your home space as Libra rules your 4th solar house.  This is where you are the most comfortable.  This is where you are the most nurtured and cared for.  Throughout most of this month you can find ways to enjoy your home.  Decorating, changing and even if necessary, looking to move to somewhere that is more conducive to your lifestyle.  Parents are also a part of the 4th house experience as they represent the first home we lived in.  Relationship with parents or remembrances of our childhood will also come up for review.  Enjoying whatever those are.  With several planets still in your opposite sign of Capricorn, work and home become more interchangeable.  Important that if you are working from home, the area you have designated for work is a pleasurable and comfortable place.


July 22- August 23

Leo Transits for October 2020

With the Sun in Libra residing in your 3rd house of communication it is critical that whatever important information you want to share is done with balance and harmony in mind.  Leo is the Lion/Lioness and with that there is a tendency to want to roar so you can be heard loud and clear.  Although being an orator is powerful and important, taking the time to review what it is you want to share with the idea of nurturing others is critical.  Compassion and humility are beneficial to the ego.  Others will continue to be loyal to you with these qualities integrated in your communication style.  Health and wellness are also highlighted with several important planets situated in your 6th house.  Continue to pay close attention to self-care.


August 23- September 23

Virgo Transits for October 2020

September was your birthday month.  Hopefully you enjoyed the many benefits that come to us during our signature time.  October will highlight your 2nd house with Libra being the sign that governs this area of your life.  All of your values will come to the forefront to be reviewed and hopefully you will be rewarded for all your good deeds.  Work you do, finances as they apply to your work and how you are valued overall.  The 2nd house is one of the more power houses of the zodiac.  This is where we want to see balance and harmony.  With Libra residing here you search for how you can value others and vice versa.  Other areas of interest are the planets transiting your 5th house.  Capricorn here can be too much of a taskmaster.  The 5th house is where we want to have fun.  Virgo is a consummate worker always wanting to be of service.  Enjoying life is beneficial as it supports our life so we can continue to be the best at what we do. 


September 23-October 23

Libra Transits for October 2020

This is your month to shine!  Your birthday month in October.  Enjoy the perks.  Let others take care of you.  Balance, harmony and love describes having the Sun shining its light on the person you bring to the world.  New ways of presenting yourself.  This could even mean a new work experience or career goal changes.  You may change your style of dressing.  Starting a food plan that better fits who you are at this time in your life.  The 1st house is the beginning of the zodiac.  This is where we open new doors to how we want the world to experience us.  Libras are very concerned with how others experience them.  They go out of their way to make sure everyone else is taken care of.  This is your month to put all of that energy into yourself.  The more you honor you; the more others will follow suit.  Libras have a tendency to want to be nice rather than honest.  Your mantra for now “being honest is best for all concerned”.   


October 23-November 22

Scorpio Transits for October 2020

From October 1st to October 22nd, you will have an opportunity to go deep within your spirit.  This is a perfect time to meditate on what you want to let go of.  You are getting ready for your birthday month which will begin on October 22nd, Sun into Scorpio.  In the meantime, do all you can to find ways of saying goodbye to what no longer serves your highest good.  This will be somewhat emotional as well as rewarding.  You are going to be helped by the fact that Mercury is going retrograde in your sign starting on October 13th.  A personal examination of all that is important to you is in order.  Going deep is easy for Scorpios.  Your challenge is once you are there a search for balance ensues.  What to keep and what to release becomes the issue.  Take your time deciding.  Once you’ve done the research as to value; the only way to create balance is to let go of what is no longer necessary.


November 22-December 21

Sagittarius Transits for October 2020

It’s all about your 11th house experience this month.  Sagittarius needs to be a part of the world in a big way.  You like to experience as much of the goodness around you as possible.  This is what creates balance for you.  Libra governs this area of your life.  Social standing, friendships, organizations that gather together people that resonate with your lifestyle.  All of this will be part of what you can experience and enjoy during most of the month of October.  Your friendships, many times, are almost like family and you need to be aware you can sometimes go overboard in wanting to be available. This is a great month for you examine whether or not your friendships are fair and balanced.  It’s okay to focus on your own personal hopes and dreams and spend time honoring them.   


December 22 - January 19

Capricorn Transits for October 2020

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again!  Capricorns continue to be the most impacted sign of the zodiac at the present time.  With three of the major planets transiting right now all in the sign of Capricorn.  This will continue until the end of 2020.  That being said; the month of October will bring a strong desire and focus on your reputation and how you are honored in the world.  Of course, career plays a role here although not for everyone.  The 10th house where Libra resides is the area where we make ourselves known to the outside world.  It is the top of the chart.  The highpoint of the zodiac.  With Libra here you, at times, are somewhat uncomfortable in knowing how to create balance as the need to be responsible takes precedent.  Enjoying life and spending time with loved ones is important as well as working hard.  Give yourself a break.   


January 20-February 18

Aquarius Transits for October 2020

Libra and Aquarius are both air signs.  A perfect match.  A great combo.  With Libra ruling your 9th house you will be able to spend most of October exploring and enjoying your spirit’s goals.  Your philosophical and spiritual life will be in the forefront this month.  Taking classes, learning something new that will support your spiritual life.  Gathering together with kindred spirits.  Travel even within our current world situation.  Small weekend trips to places that can nurture you in some way.  Taking time for yoga, meditation, visitations to spiritual healing places outdoors.  Preparing for very important astrological transits that will begin for Aquarius at the end of 2020 when both Jupiter and Saturn join together in your sign. 


February 18- March 20

Pisces Transits for October 2020

This month will focus on the business of your life.  Libra in your 8th house will shine a light on your finances and how you are handling and balancing your budget.  Pisces has a challenge with keeping money matters together in a practical way when, in fact, it is best for you to get this down pat.  Take the month of October when the fall season begins, to quiet your mind and pay attention to what makes sense for you when it comes to the work you do and how it relates to your finances in general.  If you need support; this will be a perfect time to seek out financial gurus/experts who can give you the advice necessary for this important part of your life’s journey to be balanced.  The 8th house also rules much of how our family of origin handled finances.  This could be a clue for you to determine how money matters were experienced and how it relates to your current lifestyle. 

Maria Francesca Triliegi

Maria Francesca Triliegi is the founder of Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks.  A company focused on providing practical tools for living life with a strong personal wellness approach. Maria has thirty years of experience as a professional astrologer as well as group facilitator of sacred ceremonies, women’s support groups, motivational coaching, oracle divination, goddess retreats, classes and workshops. She is a published author, an educator, retreat leader, personal growth motivator and avid blogger.  Maria was certified as an astrologer in 1991and as a minister in 1992.  Her background includes several years of working within the corporate structure as a health benefits administrator and retirement facilitator. She is very aware of the need for each of us to be our own best health care advocate.

Maria's astrological coaching sessions and consultations, tarot counseling sessions, workshops, classes, and lectures are designed to provide the tools for personal growth.  Maria’s tools include astrology, metaphysics, positive affirmations, healthy body awareness and practical spiritual daily disciplines.

Maria is a very entertaining as well as motivating speaker who explains spirituality and astrology with warmth and humor.  She has a way of engaging others to the importance of knowing all we can about ourselves by understanding how our sacred birth chart can be a powerful lifetime tool.

Maria sees herself as a “beacon of light” to guide her clients to their own inner light. Maria's simple and straight-ahead approach to life's challenges has attracted clients from all walks of life.  Maria believes that everyone is a "star" and she treats her clients with the utmost of respect and privacy. Her client base extends throughout the United States and Europe. Maria believes that no matter where our path takes us, we must honor our higher purpose journey.