Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ September 2020 Horoscopes by Maria Francesca Triliegi


Astrology: A Doorway to Your Spirit ~ September 2020 Horoscopes

by Maria Francesca Triliegi

Sacred Solar Astrology September 2020 Forecasts 

Welcome to September 2020

Please enjoy this astrological snapshot forecast revealing important trends and opportunities that are available in September of 2020 to support you.  I welcome your feedback, comments and/or questions. Well here we are.  September has arrived and the sun has traveled to the sign of Virgo.  A full Corn Moon will appear in the sky on September 2 in the sign of Pisces.  A new moon will arrive in the sign of Virgo on September 17 and then we head towards the Fall season in all of its natural glory on September 22nd marking the Fall Equinox; a time of celebration of the harvest.  In earlier times there was much to celebrate and much to be concerned with as the winter months brought new challenges.  We, too, are experiencing new challenges as we do our best to celebrate as well as determine how we are going to survive our somewhat unknown future.  Looking back at last September, now would be the time of getting our children ready for another school year. I live a few doors down from a catholic grade school.  In the past I have anxiously awaited the parade of parents and children with new backpacks and even some children so small they could hardly carry them on their backs.  Cameras sophisticated beyond anything I remember at the ready to capture the experience.  All rushing down the street with different emotional responses.  Not this year.  I am sad this will not be available for either parents or children.  This is only one of many rituals we will not be experiencing as summer comes to a close and the fall harvest season begins. What can we do?  How can we celebrate the end of one season and beginning of another? We have heard the word “unprecedented” over and over.  We have heard “the first time in the history of….” many times throughout these past six months.   

I believe that within this very vulnerable time, somehow, we are finding a way to not only survive; we can thrive because looking back in history we human beings have always found a way.  I have observed so many doing their best using intuition, creative instincts and an incredible resilience to find NEW ways of honoring life.  I have been fascinated by the powerful innovation and dedication of so many of my fellow men and women who are searching, out of necessity, for the new.  We have become the pioneers of the 21st century.  It is a strange new world and the only “steady as you go” we can depend on is the sun and the moon and their cycles.

We must embrace the rhythms of nature and make way for this new season.  Each month we experience a new moon and a full moon and a cycling of the moon through the different signs.  Other important transits occur as well.  Pay attention to your astrological journey and use the information to support your life with a positive focus.  Read sun and moon and rising sign messages.  All will have impact.

I am available for Astrology Readings for adults and children, Astrology Future Trends Forecasts, Divine Tarot Counseling and Coaching.

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Call or email Maria Francesca at 310-548-1338 or


Maria Francesca Triliegi, Astrologist

Compassionate Communication

available on Zoom or Facetime


March 20-April 20

Aries Transits for August 2020

With the Sun moving to the sign of Virgo, it will sit comfortably in your solar 6th house.  This is the area that governs our physical health and wellness.  This is the area where our day to day activities are highlighted.  It is time for you to find a way to keep all of your fired-up energy as I always tell my fire sign folks (“in the fireplace”).  Watch for a desire to be too fired up.  Virgo is an earth sign.  You are a fire sign.  This can create unwanted combustion.  With Mars, the planet that governs our energy levels also in the sign of Aries, these past few months have seen you “on the go”.  Sometimes to the detriment of your health.  This month you can take advantage of slowing down long enough to focus on what will be necessary to maintain a healthy spirit, mind and body for the rest of the year.  With several transiting planets still in the sign of Capricorn; it is likened to having a dad hovering over you to make sure you are being responsible.  As I shared last month  you can be childlike in your approach to life. You want to have fun!  Just make sure your physical body is supporting you enough to enjoy all of life’s goodness. 


April 20- May 21

Taurus Transits for August 2020

With the Sun now in Virgo through most of September, you are going to feel right at home.  The taskmaster that lives inside of you is going to have a huge staff to support you.  Virgo is an earth sign and your buddy.  This energy is going to bring new ideas and creativity easy to integrate into your life.  It will be most evident as your 5th house that governs creative projects, children and grandchildren as well as how we enjoy all of life’s creative experiences is where Virgo lives in your solar birth chart.  It’s okay to give yourself a break now and then.  You are the consummate worker of the zodiac.  Remember that the archetype of a Taurus is a bull.  Its okay to follow the mandate of what really describes a Taurus.  Work hard and then relax and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.  Taurus loves the good life and this month you can do just that!


May 20- June 21,

Gemini Transits for August 2020

Last month was about creating enjoyment in your life.  This month will be a bit more serious as the sign of Virgo can create a bit of overwhelm for you.  Virgo is the ruler of your solar 4th house.  This area governs our psychological as well as physical home.  Virgo can be demanding of order and organization and has a penchant for detail.  Gemini does all of that albeit in a much different way than a Virgo does.  Gemini is an air sign and Virgo is an earth sign.  You want to do the research and get the answers quick and fast.  Virgo has a need to spend more time and energy getting life’s responsibilities accomplished.  Neither is better than the other.  Just different.  Do your best to find a new way of grounding yourself with patience and compassion.  Since home is where we are spending much time these days; make sure you head into the fall season with your spiritual, mental and physical homes intact. 

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June 21-July 22

Cancer Transits for August 2020

This month you will have Venus, Goddess of love and beauty, in your sign to support you throughout the month of September.  Good to know due to the need for you to be loving as you communicate your thoughts as well as your desires with compassion and caring.  The sign of Virgo (where the sun will travel through for most of September) governs your solar 3rd house.  This is an important area of our lives especially since getting our needs met is done through the thoughts we think and the words we speak.  Cancer is considered to be the mother of the zodiac.  You want to make sure everyone is taken care of.  Speaking up for yourself and your personal needs can be put on the back burner and even cause you frustration when your desires are neglected.  Remember you are in control of how you communicate.  Virgo can be a powerful ally for you as they are articulate and detailed.  Pay attention and speak up!    


July 22- August 23

Leo Transits for August 2020

Last month was your birthday month.  Hopefully you did all you could to make that lion/lioness happy.  Now it’s time for a bit of a more serious attitude moving forward.  With Virgo governing your 2nd solar house the focus will be on finances as well as your value and how you express that.  Whatever you are doing to contribute your creativity with the world will be highlighted for most of September.  You have so much to bring to the table.  Last month I went into some detail regarding your need to be fired up and roaring most of the time.  As we head into the fall season, the sun moves a bit and will shine a different light.  As you assess the value of who you are and all that you do; make sure you are being practical financially as well as physically.  Virgo is an earth sign and one that demands organization.  You are definitely a creative genius and yet you must remember that being organized can be creative.  Good to be excited about creativity while remembering that practicality needs a seat at the table.   


August 23- September 23

Virgo Transits for August 2020

Happy Birthday to you!  Dear Virgos this is your signature month.  This is your month to shine.  All that you are and all of the goodness that defines your sacred sun sign will be evident for most of September.  You certainly have a lot of support from powerfully important transiting planets.  With Taurus and Capricorn ruling the skies at the present time, both being earth signs just like you, there is no better time to reach for your goals and manifest your desires.    It is true we are somewhat restricted due to outside forces.  Of course, this does not need to stop you from living life to the fullest and allowing others to help celebrate you.  Virgos are here to be of service and they do it well.  Important to reward yourself for jobs well done. Interesting that we celebrate Labor Day in September.  Reach out and share your goals with friends and loved ones.  Plan for a year of good health and happiness. This is a great time to create a treasure map of what you want for your birthday year.     


September 23-October 23

Libra Transits for August 2020

This is your month to do the inside work.  I don’t mean staying indoors.  I mean the work it will take for you to get ready for your birthday month in October.  When the sun travels through an area it highlights the qualities and challenges of whatever house it travels through.  At the present time, your 12th solar house is where the focus is.  Virgo lives in your 12th house.  This is considered to be the area where we keep those experiences it is difficult to share with others.  It’s called the house of secrets.  Time for you to review and take inventory of whatever is in there that is disturbing your peace of mind.  Libras want and need harmony and balance.  In order to achieve that you have a tendency to, as they say, sweep things under the rug.  It’s okay to admit, even if it is only to yourself, there are parts of life that are not so lovely.  Taking the time review what’s bothering you and release it to the Universe will bring a sense of relief as well as power.  You are going to want to enter your birthday year with no regrets for past experiences. 


October 23-November 22

Scorpio Transits for August 2020

Scorpios live in two worlds.  On one hand they are very private and yet they have so much wisdom to share.  Outside world is calling you now.  With Virgo governing your 11th house, it is time to find ways to share your wisdom.  Social structures, friendships, organizations that you believe in are all part of the 11th house experience.  With the spotlight for most of the month being shined in this area do your best to be the best friend as well as community member. Yes, it is true we are somewhat restricted with regards to the where and the how and yet there is no sign stronger than Scorpio who has more of an ability to reach deep down and find a way.  Virgo is a great support for you.  Earth and water work in tandem with each other.  Use your expertise.  Shine your light even if it is within the confines of your home.  With several important planets transiting your 3rd house that governs communication and Virgo now in your 11th you’ve got the power to reach a more expansive community.


November 22-December 21

Sagittarius Transits for August 2020

It’s all about your 10th house experience this month.  With Virgo ruling the area that governs our reputation and how the world experiences us; you will be asked to be available and you will have to show up wherever it is important for you to shine.  Sagittarians like their freedom first and foremost.  You are a very kind and loving person who naturally wants to be available to support others and yet there is a desire to choose where and when.  This month will find you a bit frustrated as the need to be organized, detailed and onboard will take precedence.  Best advice here is to get the work done as soon as possible without disturbing your peace of mind.  No need to have responsibilities interfering with all of the enjoyable experiences necessary for you to keep your fire lit.


December 22 - January 19

Capricorn Transits for September 2020

Capricorns continue to be the most impacted sign of the zodiac at the present time.  With three of the major planets transiting right now; they are all in the sign of Capricorn.  This will continue until the end of 2020.  That being said; the month of September will bring a bit of a respite as the sign of Virgo is also an earth sign and a kindred spirit to you.  Yes, responsibility continues to be the word of the day for you and you know it because most of the time you live it.  It’s just that for the past few years you’ve been hit pretty hard.  Now you are going to begin to see a new light.  Whatever age and stage of life you are in, there is a new sense of maturity and understanding about who you are.  So much of your life has been impacted in important ways so do you go from here?  You start planning your future.  What’s important and what’s not.  Virgo will assist in doing the research necessary to bring you a new philosophical as well as spiritual image of yourself.  Make no mistake, this will be the first step towards your new lifestyle.  Take your time.  You deserve a break.


January 20-February 18

Aquarius Transits for August 2020

With new events coming for Aquarius beginning at the end of 2020 and lasting well into 2023, now is the time to get yourself ready for new beginnings.  Take a lesson from Capricorn.  Aquarius is next to receive abundant new opportunity as well as problems to be solved and challenges to be met that will impact important life areas.  With the focus for September on 8th house matters, be ready to sign contracts, make serious business agreements and review your childhood to determine why you are in some ways still making decisions based on how you were raised.  All of this will be highlighted this month.  Virgo is the sign that does the necessary research to find new ways of organizing life.  This kind of energy will assist you as you spend this month paying close attention to the above matters.  Settle in and enjoy the process.  You will find a new sense of peace as you complete some of these important tasks.


February 18- March 20

Pisces Transits for August 2020

This month will focus on your opposite house and sign of Virgo.  Virgo rules your 7th house that governs all your close relationships.  Personal ones with a special partner, or loved one.  The 7th house also includes friendships and even close business associates.  Pisces has a challenge with truly trusting others to take over responsibilities that they feel belong to them.  This month with the focus being on your opposite sign and in your relationship house will bring you an opportunity to realize you are loved and there are loved ones who want to care for you.  They may have a different way of expressing their caring nature.  It is time for you to understand the nuances of what it means to love and be loved.  Pisces is a very emotional water sign and Virgo is a practical earth sign.  Earth needs water and water needs earth.  Good to remember. 

Maria Francesca Triliegi

Maria Francesca Triliegi is the founder of Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks.  A company focused on providing practical tools for living life with a strong personal wellness approach. Maria has thirty years of experience as a professional astrologer as well as group facilitator of sacred ceremonies, women’s support groups, motivational coaching, oracle divination, goddess retreats, classes and workshops. She is a published author, an educator, retreat leader, personal growth motivator and avid blogger.  Maria was certified as an astrologer in 1991and as a minister in 1992.  Her background includes several years of working within the corporate structure as a health benefits administrator and retirement facilitator. She is very aware of the need for each of us to be our own best health care advocate.

Maria's astrological coaching sessions and consultations, tarot counseling sessions, workshops, classes, and lectures are designed to provide the tools for personal growth.  Maria’s tools include astrology, metaphysics, positive affirmations, healthy body awareness and practical spiritual daily disciplines.

Maria is a very entertaining as well as motivating speaker who explains spirituality and astrology with warmth and humor.  She has a way of engaging others to the importance of knowing all we can about ourselves by understanding how our sacred birth chart can be a powerful lifetime tool.

Maria sees herself as a “beacon of light” to guide her clients to their own inner light. Maria's simple and straight-ahead approach to life's challenges has attracted clients from all walks of life.  Maria believes that everyone is a "star" and she treats her clients with the utmost of respect and privacy. Her client base extends throughout the United States and Europe. Maria believes that no matter where our path takes us, we must honor our higher purpose journey.