Halloween Live Wire! The Kid Did What? By Contributor Cheri Cameron Newell

Halloween Live Wire! The Kid Did What? By Contributor Cheri Cameron Newell

Halloween always brings a charge of energy. Flynn runs through our home like an Eveready Battery. Honestly… it’s exhausting! I love my kid, but sometimes I need a way to slow the live wire!

We went shopping for Flynn’s Halloween costume and found these glow-in-the-dark pajamas. He ran around the house and tried every closet to see the jammies glow.

 “Come look, Mommy. I’m charging my PJ’s.”

“Flynn, you have to lie on the floor to recharge your jammies so they will glow bright!” I couldn’t believe I was fibbing to my son, praying for a small break.

Flynn was on the floor for as long as he could keep his little body still. Then he was off and running! This bought me three minutes... long enough to sip some coffee!

 This story and photo of Flynn were sent in by Cameron Ligon.

I love how a child’s mind works. Their thoughts are energy… channeled to the universe... even to their jammies. I am filled with awe, watching a child’s creative play. I find myself pondering...

Do you have a funny story or cute picture to share? Go to the SUBMIT AN ARTICLE PAGE and    e-mail your photo and story to us with THE KID DID WHAT in the subject line.

Cheri Cameron-Newell resides in Palos Verdes Estates, CA, with her husband and dog, Sam. She was born and bred in Winston-Salem, NC. After attending college at East Carolina University, Cheri worked in public relations for RJ Reynolds Co., moved to New York City as a Wilhelmina model and then to Los Angeles. Cheri met her husband, Byron Newell, and worked at Cameron-Newell Advertising as a copywriter until the birth of her girl/boy twins, Charli and Jordan. A love affair began with all children and Cheri created her own line of greeting cards with Recycled Paper Greetings.

The author wrote and illustrated the picture book, AN ANGEL JUST LIKE YOU, which won the Mom’s Choice Award. This book was created to honor her dear friend, Kimberly Ross, who valiantly fought breast cancer for over ten years. All profits go to Breast Cancer Charities.

Cheri created the blog; THE KID DID WHAT?… filled with funny and heart-warming photos and short stories, celebrating the innocence and wonder of childhood.

Palos Verdes Pulse Magazine has turned Cheri’s blog into a column where Cheri will be contributing six times yearly and reaching out to the community by asking for stories and photos to join the fun!

There will be opportunities for more community by joining Cheri for in-person coffees and fun kid talks whether a young mom… old mom… grandma… aunt… or just find kids hilarious. Details will come after each column entry to join Cheri for coffee.

The. Author’s current work in progress is a trilogy, THE ADVENTURES OF SWAMP DOG SAM. Always fascinated with the Okefenokee Swamp in South Georgia, Cheri decided to write a fiction chapter book series about a dog, Sam, lost in the swamp, with a Fun Facts section to go in each book about the real animals in the swamp. The facts have been vetted by the Refuge Ranger for the Okefenokee Swamp and Cheri has been asked to place her books at the Nature Store when completed.

Visit Cheri’s website www.CheriCameronNewell.com to check out her other current projects and past blog posts.