Focused Attention: The Zen of YOU. By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD - International Hypnosis Federation President, Author, Artist and More

“Why are you staring at the freezer?”

“The orange juice says ‘concentrate’”

Are you ready to be happy, strong and joy-centered anywhere and any time– even in a traffic jams, on hold, in a stressful meeting or while waiting in a long line at the grocery store? Then give yourself a break. 

Focused attention goes under many names; contemplation, introspection, mindfulness, self-hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, daydreams, prayer, time in, and a mental vacation. However you name it, when you claim it, focused attention are spokes on the wheel of inner harmony and wellbeing that opens your potentials, purpose, love and creativity.

Silently or aloud, repeated calming words, thoughts or sounds create outcomes you choose. Hypnosis affirmation, music, poems and sacred texts remind you to take five and reflect.


1. MAKE A TIME. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed and decide how long you will take for your inner journey.

2. SET YOUR INTENTION. What do you want to happen? Will you go in to find out? Explore feelings, thoughts or a challenge? Clear your mind or fill it with creativity? Perhaps you will have a sit-down chat with your sub-personalities or Higher Self or focus on world peace. Your Possibilities are unlimited.

3. GET COMFY. Breathe with ease. Focus attention on your breath and enjoy each inspiration and each full easy letting go. Take your time; take it easy. A few full breaths can make all the difference in how you think and feel. Full and even-paced breathing expands your lungs and full exhale relaxes you so you In-joy; out-joy.

4. The “right way” to do a journey within is YOUR WAY. If mind wanders, let it go; it will come back.


Here are easy ways to venture “behind the veil” as thoughts and emotion pass through your mind without judgment: 

MOVING MEDITATION. Combines a stroll with mindful presence as you enjoy your environment. You can even walk around your house and celebrate your “stuff.” A slow pace brings grace as you focus on each movement and what you notice. 

GUIDED IMAGERY AND MINDFUL MEDITATION. As you call to mind your senses–sight, sound, smell, taste, feeling and intuition– your vagal nerve tells your whole body “It’s safe to feel terrific!” 

QI GONG. Part of traditional Chinese medicine, Qi Gong combines meditation, relaxation, movement and breath to restore and maintain balance. 

TAI CHI. This gentle Chinese martial art includes self-paced peaceful postures and movements while practicing deep breathing.

TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION. TM has you silently repeat a personally assigned mantra or sound in a specific way. (SHH, don’t tell anyone, the secret mantra you’re assigned is based on your age.)

YOGA. A series of postures and controlled breathing exercises promote a flexible body and calm mind. Poses require balance and concentration and a session ends with a guided hypnosis session 

BODY SCANS. Focuses attention on different parts of you for renewal and a celebration of what your body does for you. 

FOREST BATHING. Imagine strolling in a lovely forest among century-old trees, seeing light tickle the leaves, and enjoying exhilarating scents of nature. Perhaps you hear birds or a babbling brook and feel a gentle breeze upon your skin as your senses come alive. 

The Japanese call this “shinrin-yoku” for “bathing in forest atmosphere” and studies show that being in nature is, in fact, a natural way to reduce stress, depression, and frustration. 

Pine trees and cypress trees send enriching essential oils, like phytoncides, that actually increases white-blood cells that ups your immune responses and can even reduce cancer! So, take a breather, take it easy, and stroll in a local park or forest and give your heart rate and blood pressure a chance to ease up. And remember… there is no place like OM.

Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.




WellnessDr. Liz Musil