From shopping lover to zero waste enthusiast - a story of my friendship with planet Earth By Anita Stelmashuk

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From shopping lover to zero waste enthusiast - a story of my friendship with planet Earth

By Anita Stelmashuk

When I moved from Europe to California I quickly discovered Amazon. I was amazed by the simplicity of shopping. Boxes on the porch easy returns, friendly customer service. Almost all my shopping I made online including groceries. We moved with 9 suitcases and after 2 years we could pack up 3 moving trucks. 

I read a book that was on my shelf for a long time "How to live more with less" by Dominique Loreau. I started to realise that I do own a lot of stuff that I don't use and maybe my home is a bit crowded with furniture. Dominique in her book mentioned about Marie Kondo. I look up her book and listen to an audiobook. At the same time, her Netflix show was launched. It took me around 3 months to clean up each corner. Back then I didn't know how important is to go step by step with the process as Marie suggests in her book. I admit that I read only the part that was interesting for me and didn't stick to all her advice but the outcome was amazing. One month after finishing tyding with Konmari method we found our home in Rancho Palos Verdes.  Thanks to finished process moving weren't too stressful and we didn't have as many things as we could have. I wanted to learn more about Marie method so I decided to go to one of her training. Happily, she had one in Los Angeles. Right after I attend the Konmari workshop I went through tyding festival at my home once again - this time respecting all rules that Marie thought us.

At this time I was sure that I am definitely happier surrounded by less stuff in my closet and home. My choices what to wear what to cook was simplify. My whole life was more and more simple and filled with peaceful moments. I spend more and more time crafting ( I make soy wax candles with custom labels) and putting attention to everything that comes to my home. I gain a sense of responsibility for my belongings. I start to educate myself about ecology and environmental problems. I was shocked knowing that paper towels are not reusable! As we all I thought it's made of paper so it's should be good right? I spend time to know more about recycling and that filling up black trash can is something that will stay here on Earth longer than me. I have 5yo son I understood that he might not be able to see the beauty of our city because soon climate change will make our lives harder. I decided to go even one step further and read a lot about zero waste lifestyle. Now I sew my own produce bags using old sheets as fabric, I buy in local store unpacked products in bulk, I am Vegan -because I want to live longer and not harm any animal. Even my candles have changed - I sell them now in recycled jars.

So this is my story. I hope to educate and inspire more and more people fell in love with our planet and do one small change in their lifestyle. It's so easy to fell in love with nature living in Palos Verdes, right?

Anita Stelmashuk

Decluttering Consultant Inspiring families and business to simplify their life and reconnect with nature.