A-PLUS WELLNESS By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD


By Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD (includes excerpts from Dr Shelley’s book, “Thrive” available at ihf@cox.net)

 If you are ready to thrive use my two big A’s formula: Awaken and Attitude.


The awake you knows from experience that what you think and say can bring you up or throw you down. Suggestions you give yourself are self-hypnosis that becomes your reality. If you tell yourself, “I feel yucky,” that’s exactly how you feel. If you tell yourself "I feel better and better and best” your positive affirmation becomes real. Try this experiment; notice how good you feel right now in this moment (ten feeling terrific and one not so good) Do you have your number? Good… 

Now, say the word “YES” 10 times. Breathe. Go ahead do it… “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes” “yes.”

What’s your number now? I’ll bet it went up.

So, here’s the magic. If a limiting thought or limiting idea comes to mind, simply take a deep breath and say “cancel, cancel.” Then let negativity go with your out-breath and immediately replace it with a positive idea. Now repeat this idea five times: “I’m awake to what I think and say and easily change it to positive.” Then follow it up with “I feel great” and when you do, you put that notion into your mental bank and get a higher yield of upliftment. That’s because your mind and your inner alchemist listen to your thoughts and cook up positive results. A positive word is like a God hook that lifts you up.

2. A+ Attitude

I overheard two elders talking “How is Mable?” one asked. “She is, as we say, enjoying ill health.” Illness and dis-ease are exaccerbated by negative attitudes. What’s your attitude about your health?

A positive attitude is, in fact, a chuckle away. Laughing yourself silly makes you feel great! You just can’t help it. Humor truly is your best medicine. Find and employ your sense of humor. So go ahead right now smile. Yes I am talking to you... Smile- a nice big juicy up to your ears smile. You can do it… and it feels good doesn’t it. Just the thought a smile makes you smile.’ If you want you can kick it up a notch ready… Ha, Ha, Ha… That’s a laugh.”

So rather than savor detailed discussions about your medical adventures fill your thoughts with joy, adventure, blessings and NOW? Repeat this five times and cut yourself some slack… “I look, feel and act tip-top. I’m at my best. Every day, in every way, I get better and better and better.

Alrighty now, pat yourself on the back and give yourself A+ affirming a positive attitude. Your body and mind learn new ways to feel good as you celebrate your perfect body and affirm five times; “I am my body my body is me. We live together in harmony. Thank you body for being my friend. Thank you life for this fine earthwalk.”


STEP ONE decide “I choose to feel great.”

STEP TWO pretend “I pretend and imagine I feel great.”

STEP THREE believe “I believe I feel great.”

STEP FOUR I make real “It is so; I feel great.”

This incremental affirmation “decide to imagine– to believe– to reality” raises your commitment and viola! You feel great… step by step… effortlessly… you do what it takes to feel great- and it is so!”


“If you’re ready to thrive… onward and upward! You’re about to show yourself how perception creates reality. You begin your dynamic journey here and now! Take a deep breath and let it out. AHH… Good job… Now, breathe to the bottoms of your feet. That’s good. That’s right.

Listen, listen, listen as your breath moves to every molecule in your body and your deepest mind eagerly embraces the three secret codes that make well-being your reality. 1. Ready… 2. Set… 3. let’s go!  

Secret code number one: You’re keenly aware of your self-talk and easily change it to positive. The words you say to yourself are positive. Affirm it and it is so: ‘I’m keenly aware of my self-talk and I quickly and easily change it to positive.’ ‘I’m keenly aware of my self-talk and I quickly and easily change it to positive.’ My self-talk is positive.’ My positive self-talk births wonderful joy within me.’

Secret code number two: You’re keenly aware of what you say to others and affirm; ‘I’m keenly aware of my outer talk and quickly and easily change it to positive. I’m keenly aware of my outer talk and quickly and easily change it to positive. My outer talk is positive. My positive words birth a wonderful joy within me and joy in my relationships with others.’

Here comes secret code number three: You compliment yourself clearly. You say good, kind and nourishing things to yourself and celebrate each new joyous perception. You’re so glad to be alive and to be you and not somebody else.

These three secret codes are now deeply installed in your subconscious mind and are your reality. You’re pro-active and positive in every way. You enjoy positive self-talk, positive outer talk and compliment yourself clearly. With each breath you become better and better and better. And so it is and so it shall be!”

Local Personality, Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, PhD is a hypnotherapist, mindfulness and NLP trainer, artist and the author of 25 books. She certifies practitioners through the International Hypnosis Federation. You can call her at 310 541-4844.

Dr. Shelley can be reached at shelleynicholas@cox.net or www.hypnosisfederation.com

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